Max sounds like this when he thinks about stuff:
By saying this, I mean that I should either be self-employed or make money in a way that no one has ever done before. Creating an original job would be difficult seeing as The Simpsons probably already did it. I'm thinking along the lines of my talents. I'm not so sure that this will be an easy endeavor, as few of my talents could ever possibly be marketable. I have good hand-eye coordination... Nah. I've recorded and edited 102 Youtube videos... I consider myself a good editor, so that will probably come in handy later. Yeah, I should probably make money doing that. Local commercials would be really cool. Every time I see a commercial in these parts, it makes me sick to my stomach. These companies probably pay a "professional" loads of money do use a crappy camera and throw together some clips and text. I could do that. Rhett & Link seem to be quite inspiring lately. Love those guys. That's a command. LOVE THEM.
But seriously...
It sounds like it's going to be best for me to major in media at West Virginia State University. Their media program is very film-oriented. I think I use hyphens too much. Marshall University's media program is fantastic, but print journalism, unfortunately, will die, and I'm really not into radio. I don't have the voice for it either. I don't really listen to it either. I'll stick with my interests.
and of course... There's always the possibility of a lucky break to catch. Maybe my YouTube videos will catch on one day. I have a decent amount of subscribers in a year, so I just need to persevere. Maybe I'll decide to be an actor. I haven't ever tried acting, besides being an idiot on YouTube. Fun-Relevant-Fact: Zach Galifianakis was actually majoring in media before he decided to act. He dropped out two years in, but yeah...
It sounds in likely in my own head, but many people I've had the pleasure of small-talk with in recent years has told be to try stand up comedy. I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm really into stand up comedy. Not necessarily my own, but others'. I could give you a list of my favorite comedians in different genres, etc. So, naturally that suggestion from these small-talkers (there's that hyphen again) has been getting me excited. There's a Funny Bone comedy club near me. There's an open mic night and everything... For that kind of stand up, I would only have to write about ten minutes or less of material. I could do that. I mean, this whole stand up comedy thing would definitely go along with other possibilities under the "lucky breaks" category, but it's possible. I'll figure something out eventually. I'll just not f*ck up in college, for now.
Thanks for reading.