Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I swear, it rattles my brain.
Again, a trick subject line!
I absolutely hate getting messages on my YouTube account about people wanting to exchange subscriptions. There are many reasons that this is just... gay, but there's one big one that alone would keep me from subjecting to it.
When someone subscribes to my channel, all I ask is that it is voluntary and that it is so that my videos will appear in your subscription box. If someone subscribes, I want it to be because they want to watch my videos! I have this problem right now. If you go look at the numbers on my channel, you'll realize that they do not match up at all.
Every time I make a video, I typically get around 100 views the first few days, and no more. I wouldn't mind this view count... except, it's not even close to my subscription count. As I type this post, I have 340 subscribers... That doesn't match my videos' view counts at all. It's not out-of-nowhere, though. I have an explanation for all of this ridiculousness.
A couple of months ago, I received a word of advice from my good e-friend to talk to a youtuber by the name of Pwnisher and see if we could feature each other in our boxes on our channels. I figured, "Hey, this will get me noticed!". I did it because Pwnisher had over 16,000 subscribers at the time. So, Clinton (Pwnisher) and I set this deal up, and it went pretty well while it was going on. My numbers were going up quickly and about 10 people were subscribing per day! Sounds great, right?
Well, I soon found out that every time I made a video, my view count was barely more than it was before my channel was posted on the front of Clinton's channel. Strange. It didn't take long to figure out that those subscribers I gained in that time-span were the type of people to ask to trade subscriptions...
No thanks.
As of now, they're actually still subscribed to me, and I still get barely over 100 views on my videos. The point is, if you want to subscribe to me because you like my videos... cool! If you want me to subscribe back just because you did to me, I will if they're good. I'm not about to waste space in my subscription box and see your shitty videos there. Gain a following because you have fans, not subscription trades.
Get lives

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Camera

This blog post isn't just about a new camera...
Although, it partly is.

What I'm wanting to say with this post is that my channel, HeySticks, is going to change. For the past few months, I've been observing bigger YouTubers and what they do. One central theme that I've observed is that most of them have some sort of structure to what they produce. For instance, Wheezy Waiter typically sits at his desk when he makes videos on his main channel. It's basically the same setup, but each video quickly separates itself from the others with it's own qualities; I love his videos so much. What I've come to realize from writing out all of the above conclusions is that I don't care about structure. I would always used to feel like I had to make a big skit and do lots of editing to put up a video. When really, I'm allowed to do whatever the hell I want because it's my channel.
For now on, It's about me (personally), and I'm going to put out whatever content I want! Maybe I'll vlog one day, do a comedy skit the next day, and then a long, serious discussion on a current topic the next day. I don't care anymore, and I'm sick of looking everywhere for inspiration all of the time. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, it's obvious. If I make videos based on whatever the hell I want to do, it's going to be WAY less of a hassle. Do you know what happens when I force myself to make a video when I'm not in the mood? It's shitty. That is all.
P.S. I think I'm going to get a new camera soon.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. Scott Pilgrim

Photoshop is fun. I thought one day, "What would the title be if Michael Cera played every other character? So, I made it happen. I just wanted to upload this image one way or another. Use it as you like.



This is my favorite actual "Show" on the internet, and may very well be the BEST on the internet. Really, give this a watch. It's got action, and funny. Awesome cast. Oh, and did I mention that the director was in the movie Old School? yeah.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Big Idea

My (reachable) dream?
I want to start a website with a good idea, and make enough money from it to live.
I just need that idea, that awesome idea that causes people to do constant page requests.
think. think. think.
It'll come to me one day.
Some time; and I'll know. It'll f*cking happen.

Apologies for the bogus blog.
Merry Christmas Eve!

Container Is Everything

Oh shit.
What does the title to this post even mean?
Read further.
I'm going to be Frank.
Hi, I'm Frank, nice to meet you.
That was a horrible joke.


In the past, I always made an effort to stay out of any conversation comparing Coke and Pepsi.
It's always stupid.
I've recently tested both in several ways and have taken a stance.
Coke is better than Pepsi when bottled, but it is worse than Pepsi when canned.
Case closed #InMaxLand

...but what about fountains at resaurants?....


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From My Phone

Hello everyone, this is just a test for this mobile blogging thing I'm trying out. Well, it takes a long time to type this stuff... I think I won't do this while I'm at home anymore. Toodles.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One of Those Days

So here I am.
I sit in this horribly uncomfortable chair --purchased from Linens and Things 10 years ago-- and I do nothing but worry about how my life is going to unfold in the oncoming years. It's only been my first semester of college, but not even logic is going to stop my paranoid mind from convincing itself that I'm destined for failure. The conclusion I often come to when in this mood is that none of my talents are applicable to everyday life; with them, I will not be able to support myself. I suppose, it doesn't help that I'm watching The Social Network while composing this blog post. Side note: I just watched the first Sean Parker scene in which he --and I'm paraphrasing-- told Mark that calling his site just "Facebook" would sound a lot cleaner without the "the". This makes me wonder why they didn't do the same thing to "The Social Network," but I digress. One thing I really enjoyed in this first semester in Marshall was my English Composition class. Unlike high school where I did best in Trigonometry, I did way better in this class. Sure I enjoy it, but I worry a little too much about my future,financial well-being to consider putting money into a major like that. So, here I am waiting around Christmas time for the next semester at Marshall to start. During that semester, I will try my luck at computer science. The California club scene from the Social Network is too loud. Well, it's pirated, I don't care. Toodles, everyone. I'm not sure what "everyone" could even mean in a boring blog like this.

Here's a shameless plug for my YouTube channel, in which I put a whole lot more effort into every few days.